Francis Scott Key Sr
High School
Class of 1980
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Todd Aberts
Melanie Adkins (Stambaugh)
Steve Airing
Daniel Albaugh
Steve Althoff
Lori Anders (Eyler)
Gene Andrew
Albert Angell
Eugene Kenneth Angell
Vicki Angell (Marshall)
Steve Arbaugh
Deborah Arnold (Myers)
Teresa Arrington (Ridinger)
Cheri Babington (Thompson)
Lisa Baile (Koons)
Scott Barrick
Kay Baugher (Ripley)
Scott Baugher
Deanna Bennett (Olinger)
Stephen Bialecki
Vanessa Bishop
Douglas Blacksten
Eloise Blacksten (Jessen)
James Blevins
Robert Bloom
Deb Blum (LaGrave)
Rose-Marie Bohn (Frantz)
Michael Bollinger
Duane Boschert
Lynn Bowers (Trankley)
David Bowman
Duane Brant
Susan Brauning (Feltch)
Jerry Buckley
Brenda Burrier (Beachy)
David Campbell
Amanda Canapp
Carol Caricofe (White)
Scott Caudle
Debbie Chenault (Callari)
Linda Clabaugh (Cooper)
Kurt Coffman
Timothy Colliflower
David Collins
Cathy Copenhaver (Gronaw)
Consetta Copenhaver (Goettee)
Connie Cornett (McDonough)
Darryl Coshun
Brenda Crigger (Fox)
Kenneth Crigger (Crigger)
Kenneth Crigger
June Dale (Kemenczes)
Janise Davidson (Chilcoat)
Candy DeBerry
Debbie Derr (Claypool)
John Dietz
Mitchell Dinterman
Bruce Ebaugh
Bonnie Eckenrode
Regina Eckenrode
Chris Ellison
Carol Ensor (Ellis)
Gary Esworthy
Dawn Eyler (Hughes)
Gerald Fair
Sandy Few (Welsh)
Kris Flickinger (Tracey)
Linda Foster (Toomey)
Linda Fream (Summers)
Carol Fritz (Drake)
Jay Fritz
Janis Garren (Ryberg)
Darren Geisinger
John Gillis
Jeff Goettee
Mark Gonder
John Gorman
Tammy Gorsuch (Perkins)
Kim Grabill
Walter Green
Justin Greene
Sharon Grey (Hiner)
Leann Grinder (Martin)
Yvette Hammond (Camphor)
Tina Hansborough (Ray)
Thomas Hardester
Tim Hardester
Chris Harman
Richard Harris
Jonathan Harrison
Timothy Harrison
Debbie Hawk
Stephen Heinrich
Brian Hill
James Hill
Stacy Hill (Sanders)
Carol Hinkle (Fasano)
Carl Hobbs
Carl Hobbs
Donna Hobbs (Eckard)
Robin Hoff (Skrtic)
Lisa Hollingsworth (Lastner)
Roxanne Horton (Walls)
Michael Houck
George Howard
Judith Hugg (Thomas)
Kim Hughes (Eckard)
Barbara Irwin (Black)
Walter Jess
Jeanne Johnson (Conney)
Terri Johnston (Sterner)
Gary Jones
Mark Justice
Darlene Kegel
Kenny Keller
Aaron Kelly
Shirley Keyton (Deeds)
Joanne Kline (Haines)
Martha Kline
Sherry Kline (Miller)
Martha Knight (Knight)
Susan Kowalczyk (Boschert)
Donald Kraus
Susan Krebs (Smith)
Angela Lake (Shiever)
Carol Lash (Chaffman)
Scott Leonard (Leonard)
Daniel Lewelling
Shelley Lewis (Lindsay)
Susan Lewis (Herdegen)
Rebecca Linthicum (Littrell)
Gary Long
Danny Markle
Walter Martin
Mitzi Matthews (Laughman)
Jeff McKinney
Sandy McKinney (Rigler)
Kelly McNaney (Shower)
Marcia McPartland (Patrick)
Doris Mehring
Susan Mellama (Ibex)
Floyd Miller
Mark Miller (Miller)
Patricia Miller (Miller)
Michael Moody
Susan Myerly (Miller)
John Myers
Randy Myers
Jodi Narowanski
Steve Nelson
Grace Neumann (Rochford)
Bonnie Oakes (Seay)
Michael Overholtzer
James Parrish
Patty Parrish (Snyder)
Wayne Peregoy
Cindy Pfoutz (Bubel)
P. Trent Pierce
Duane Pittinger
Robert Pittinger
Barry Poole
Kimberly Poole (Kvernvik)
Robert Poole
Kimberly Powell (Warehime)
Vickie Pulliam
Shirley Purvis
Nancy Pyne (Parr)
Susan Rasche (Rinker)
Connie Reddick (Staub)
Joel Reece
Carolyn Reed (Naill)
Maria Reed (Shaw)
Shelia Reifsnider (Robertson)
Terry Reynolds (Wallace)
Jamie Ricketts (Peterson)
Jeff Ricketts
Donna Rinehart (Tully)
Dale Roberts
Jeff Robertson
Sterling Robertson
Michael Rodkey
Scott Roemer
Thomas Rogers
Pat Rollison (Myers)
Donna Rose (Healey)
Betty Rosebrock
Eric Ryan
Allen Schaeffer
Mark Scheller
John Schneehagen
Bruce Schott
Raymond Schweinsberg
Ronald Seibel
Chet Sell
Cara Shepherd
Jean Sherman (Clayton)
Connie Shorb (Spielman)
Jeffrey Shorb
Ricky Shower
Jennifer Sipes (Klabansky)
Eric Sisserman
Steve Slaybaugh
Debra Smeak (Bankert)
David Smith
Doris Smith
Kevin Smith
Raymond Smith
Renee Smith
Terri Smith (Harbaugh)
Tonya Smith
Betty Soper (Ward)
Kenny Spielman
Tim Stair
Cindy Stambaugh (Myers)
Jane Stambaugh (Rodkey)
Rodney Stambaugh
Tina Stambaugh (Shelley)
John Stewart
Carolyn Stine
Kevin Stitley
David Stonesifer
Timothy Stonesifer
Richard Taggert
Robin Taylor (Ray)
Tom Utz
Michael Valentine
Kevin Wantz
Patty Wantz (Hartman)
Brenda Weaver
Diane Weeks
Wendell Weeks
Donna Welch
Jeff Welch
Mark Weller
Steve Weller
Gary Williams
Susan Wilson (Wheeler)
Tawny Wilson (Lopez)
AnnMarie Winfrey (Leister)
Donna Wolfe (Roberts)
Andrea Woodson (Hajzer)
Debra Young (Kefauver)
Kathy Young (Bare)
Dawn Marie Zak (Baletka)
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